The Misadventures of Rabbi Kibbitz and Mrs. Chaipul
The Misadventures of Rabbi Kibbitz and Mrs. Chaipul
–Alan Rosenberg, Providence Journal
“Binder, one of Rhode Island’s leading storytellers, is back with a set of gentle tales about an elderly rabbi and the woman who runs the village restaurant and steals his heart.”
“The Feel-Good Book of the Season!” – Kate Nagle, GoLocalProv
“great fun and full of humour.” – Facts and Fiction Magazine, UK
“The Wise Men of Chelm’ reimagined… Mark Binder’s “The Misadventures of Rabbi Kibbitz and Mrs. Chaipul” will almost certainly make you laugh – and might even cause you to shed a tear.” – James Rosenberg, Jewish Rhode Island Newspaper
“Village stories that deftly lift a curtain on a world of friendly humor and touching details of Jewish life.” – Kirkus Reviews
“The Lethal Latkes is not a murder mystery. It concerns some awful-tasting latkes (potato pancakes) and what you might call another Hanukkah miracle: love.” – The New York Times