Getting “them” to listen… A workshop at Sharing the Fire, the Northeast’s Storyelling Conference

Northeast Storytelling (Formerly LANES - League for the Advancement of New England Storytelling) LogoWhen I first started storytelling (back in the stone ages), I was amazed at Sharing the Fire — the Northeast’s premier storytelling conference. It was  wonderful, inspiring, encouraging and education. I still have some great friends from those days.

This year, STF  is happening from Friday, March 23 through Sunday, March 25 in Plymouth, MA.  I’m going to be giving a workshop called, “Getting Them To Listen” on Saturday at 1:30pm about how to communicate more powerfully.

If you’re a lover of storytelling, a storyteller, a listener, a teacher, a librarian, or just an ordinary person who’s curious, here are conference registration details:

Sharing the Fire has workshops, performances and swaps for every level. You’ll meet lots of people and hear tons of stories.

If you do come, make sure to say hi!